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Tick Bite - Borreliosis

Tick Bite - Borreliosis

Regular price €67,00 EUR
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Cleartest Borreliosis - Tick Bite

The CLEARTEST Borreliosis is a rapid test for the detection of fresh or past Lyme disease infection in human blood. The differentiation takes place via one IgM and one IgG line.

Summertime also is time of ticks.

The bite of a tick can cause the dangerous Lyme disease infection, which is named as multisystemic disease. Affected are skin, joints, the nervous system, eyes and heart. In the first weeks after a tick bite, flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, increased temperature or night sweats can indicate Lyme disease.

Checking sent in ticks for Borrelia genetic material does not necessarily help with the diagnosis. The fact that a tick contains pathogens does not necessarily mean that an infection has taken place.


Package contents: test cassettes, transfer pipettes, whole blood buffer


Sensitivity: IgG 95.5 % IgM 94.4 %

Specificity: IgG 98.9 % IgM 98.9 %

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